Class Setup
Lessons are delivered online through a ‘virtual’ classroom giving you all the benefits of a real classroom, without the travel time!
Classes can be attended from home (or wherever you may be as long as you have Wifi!)
Log into the virtual classroom with a computer, laptop, tablet or mobile
See and hear your teacher and classmates at all times
Interact with all the fun games, class activities and teacher’s whiteboard
Classes are supportive, fun and safe
All classes are recorded – you can watch them back as often as you like
Log in and play the games and books your teacher has allocated you even outside of class time.
David & Suzi
Suzi & Marija

Monitoring Progress
After each class, the parents can request a recording of the lesson so they can watch their child's progress and the child can re-watch any classes they struggled with or missed. In addition, each student/parent receives a regular written progress report from their teacher.
Here at The Phonics School, we don't give homework with deadlines, but do encourage independent learning outside the classroom.
To guide this learning, after each class the teacher will allocate the students new e-books and games in their online world for them to complete in their own time. Independent learning can also be in the form of a parent reading with their child.